A global youth eConsultation on Internet Governance started on 26th November 2006. The eConsultation which has as its theme “What is Internet Governance? And why should Youth care?” is a process set to get youths’ view on the IGF process and to set the tone for their full participation in the process. The objectives of the eConsultation are:
1. To build on the past activities of the World Summit on the Information Society youth caucus while empowering a new generation of young leaders interested in follow-up activities around the Internet Governance Forum
2. To provide an opportunity to learn more about Internet governance in an informal, online environment.
3. To identify areas of interest and importance to young people within the context of Internet governance
4. To help plan for youth leadership at the Internet Governance Forum 2007
The eConsultation which will run through 16th December, 2006 will have a special focus each week as below
Week 1: Demystifying Internet Governance
Week 2: Decoding the Internet Governance Forum
Week 3: Progressive Involvement: Youth @ Rio - IGF 2007
Young people passionate about the potential of Internet technologies who want to get involved in a global debate about its governance, Youth working in the area of the Information Society/ICT4D, Youth-oriented organizations, Networks/Community of Practice on IG, Youth issue supporters and interested individuals are encouraged to participate in the consultation.
To participate in the eConsultation, send a blank email to YouthandIG-subscribe@groups.takingitglobal.org. For enquiries, please email titi@mindset.co.za.
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